Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Network security Essay Example For Students

Network security Essay 1.0 INTRODUCTION2 FACTS AND FINDINGS2 2.4.1 Passwords6 2.4. After all this had been set up you then have to figure out a way to respond to the intrusions. After all this had been accomplished you are then on your way to a network that is secure. In order to create a network you must first realize what you are going to use the network for. Deciding how you want your network and the functions you want it to do is very complicated. When creating one you must really think about what you are going to use it for now and what you see yourself doing in the future with the network. When creating a network you want to leave options for upgrade. Once you have decided on how you want your network, then you must look at the security options. Security is a key option in networking. When you think of security you have to look at the option of someone in your own company tampering with files as well as the outside world being able to access your network. One step in protecting yourself or a company is by securing desktop workstations. What I mean by a Desktop Workstation is that it is a combination of the hardware, operating system, application software, and network connections of a computer. If I were to get more specific I would have mentioned just one of the following items above. Securing a desktop workstation is a very important part of your network. The reason I say this is because of the personal information of the company or your own personal information that is stored on the workstation. You have to remember that with networks you are connected to the rest of the world as well. So by not securing your workstation you then are more likely to have a hacker tap into your system. If this happens the hacker is capable of doing what ever he/she wants. They could delete files or just copy them in order for them to get your personal information that they then can use. Many people dont realize that there are many security problems that can be avoided if the workstations are configured appropriately. Most of the hardware found in a computer is set by the manufacture. Since it is set by the manufacture they dont consider the security. They look more at other functions and features. The reason why the manufactures do this is because they have no idea what your securitys needs are or the companys. In order to have the best security; you must configure the workstation to your needs. Besides configuring the workstation you must reconfigure the workstation as long as your requirements change. By doing this you will then be guaranteeing yourself the security you need. I feel that there are three main issues that you need to know about securing a workstation. One of the three issues is confidentiality. Confidentiality is information that is stored on the workstation that is reveled inappropriately. There are many reasons why this may happen. Asedfds Essay Some of the reasons are that a person without authority is able to access the workstation without permission. Another reason would be that a person has access but then views the information that he/she wasnt suppose to have access to. The final reason is where a person sends information over the network without permission to do so. The second issue would be Integrity. Integrity is where information may be changed on the workstation by mistake or they planed on changing the information. The third issue would be .

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